Sunday, June 19, 2011

An update, an apology, and an announcement

I'm back!

I want to take the time to say sorry to the people who enjoy my videos - as said earlier, I've been forced to take time off making videos to study for my exams etc.

But those are done now! (yes, indeed) And that means I'll be back to making as many videos and as much content for you guys as I can.

After extensive talks involving stabbings, a waterhose and a very large ferret, I've also come back to Team Firelight. They're an open SC2 team and they're a great community (I strongly encourage you to check them out over at, where I'll be doing casting etc (and hopefully some events too).

I'm also going to focus more heavily on SC2 content. DLYS is on hiatus for now as I'm reworking the series, but you're going to like what's (hopefully) coming of it.

Thanks for reading. It's 02:24 AM in central europe and I'm hella tired. Video tomorrow!


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